Eine Online-Lernplattform, die von Experten geführte Videokapseln und Zertifikatsprogramme anbietet, um eine Welt des Wissens zu eröffnen.
Ein Treffen von Fachleuten und Experten, die über die neuesten Trends und Themen diskutieren
Eine authentische Quelle der Information und Inspiration
Online-Shop für ISO- und IEC-Normen, Toolkits, eBooks usw.
In this session, we have looked into the ISO/IEC 27701 standard that has been p....
Is your cybersecurity program delivering on its promise? How do you know it wor....
When implementing an information security management system (based on ISO/IEC 2....
This case study will take real-life examples (with no names used!) and examine ....
2019 might be the first year where the Blockchain starts to become a central pa....
This webinar will inform you of the exact techniques to measure the security of....
For decades, the security profession has relied on the best technology we had a....
This webinar will break down the essential things regarding the blockchain tech....
A rigorous Business Continuity program always has included IT disaster recovery....
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