As cyber threats continue to evolve, implementing a robust ISM....
26 May 2018, from GDPR to sustainable GDP

This webinar provided important insights on the importance of the upcoming new General Data Protection Regulation which will become enforceable in May 2018. Moreover, it covered the requirements that will help you get GDPR compliant, and the method/techniques that help you build sustainable data protection practices.
Main points covered:
- How to move from GDPR to GDP way of thinking?
- How can we use the GDPR to build data protection into the company DNA?
- What is required, for all parties in the story, to make it work?
- How can we build sustainable data protection practices?
Peter Geelen is owner and managing consultant at Quest For Security, Belgium. His domain of expertise ranges from Enterprise Security, Identity & Access management, Information protection, Privacy, Cybersecurity, Cloud security, Corporate security policies, Security hardening, and disaster recovery planning. Mr. Geelen is a successfully accredited and authorized trainer for Microsoft MCT, ISC² and PECB. He received the Microsoft MVP Enterprise Mobility (Identity and Access) award, five times so far from 2008 – 2018.
Organizer: Endrita Muhaxheri
Date: November 29, 2017
Link of the recorded webinar on YouTube:
Slides of the webinar: