For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

PECB-Détails de l'événement - 82274

Détails de l'évènement

Information sur l'événement

CoursLead Cybersecurity Manager
Date de commencement2024-10-20
Date de fin2024-10-24
Langue d'enseignementEnglish
Langue d'enseignementEnglish
IDRAK Training and Consulting Services
Nom du formateurLayth Alkhalaf
Statut de l'événementPlanifié

Description de l'évenement

In today's digital landscape, organizations face constant and sophisticated cyber threats. There is a pressing need for skilled individuals to manage and implement robust cybersecurity programs effectively. Our PECB Certified Lead Cybersecurity Manager training course addresses this need comprehensively: - Learn Fundamental Concepts: Understand essential cybersecurity concepts, strategies, methodologies, and techniques. - Effective Management: Acquire skills to establish and manage a cybersecurity program based on international standards and industry best practices. - Enhance Readiness: Strengthen your organization’s readiness and resilience against cyber threats. - Support Ongoing Efforts: Be well-prepared to support and enhance your organization’s cybersecurity efforts. This certified course includes an exam and certification, ensuring that participants are thoroughly trained and recognized for their expertise

Informations sur la société

Nom de la compagnieIDRAK Training and Consulting Services
Province | État | RégionN/A
Pays de l'événementKuwait
Zip | code postalN/A
courrier éléctroniqueN/A
site WebNon disponible