
Trainer avatar

Mauro Ruggeri


Aktueller Arbeitgeber: Freelance
Stadt: Muro Leccese
Provinz / Bundesland / Region: Lecce
Land: Italy

Unterrichtserfahrung (Jahre)


Berufserfahrung (Jahre)



Experienced in conducting comprehensive security posture assessments aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of cyber security critical controls. Hands-on senior technology and information security leader with track record of developing, articulating, and delivering mission-aligned security and IT risk management strategies. Has effectively built and managed teams of engineers, security assessors and analysts for over 25 years. Experienced in helping organizations to address requirements posed by various compliance frameworks, regulations, and industry standards including ISO 27001:2022, ITSRM2, TOGAF, SOX, GDPR, CobIT.

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