
Trainer avatar

William Aston


Aktueller Arbeitgeber: Aston Technical Consulting Services, LLC
Stadt: Coldspring
Provinz / Bundesland / Region: Texas
Land: United States

Unterrichtserfahrung (Jahre)


Berufserfahrung (Jahre)



Bill Aston has been the Managing Director of Aston Technical Consulting Services, LLC since 2004. He has more than 50 years of experience in the oil and gas industry.  Bill presently maintains certifications as an ASQ Certified Quality Auditor, PECB QMS Lead Auditor, and an Exemplar Global Master Auditor.  Bill's credentials as a Trainer include PECB, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Certified Trainer, API Approved Trainer for API Q1 Fundamentals and Practitioner, API Q2 Fundamentals and Practitioner, API Audit Fundamentals and Lead Auditor courses, Exemplar Global Recognized Trainer for Risk Management, Internal Auditor, Lead Auditor, and API 6D Product Monogram License workshop. Bill served as a subject matter expert for ASQ's Ask the Experts program since 2008 to present.  Bill is a voting member of API Quality Subcommittee 18, API Supply Chain Management, Subcommittee 20, and US TAG to ISO TC 176, and the ISO 9001 Interpretation Committee.

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