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Roland Scherb


Aktueller Arbeitgeber: PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Stadt: Baldham
Provinz / Bundesland / Region: Bayern
Land: Germany

Unterrichtserfahrung (Jahre)


Berufserfahrung (Jahre)



My name is Roland Scherb and I am the managing partner of PeRoBa® Unternehmensberatung (Management Consultancy) GmbH (LLC). I have been working as a consultation expert in the quality management area for 25 years for industrial companies as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises. In my consultations, I focus on the introduction and implementation of quality management requirements, process development, training and facilitation of workshops and courses as well as the introduction of lean management (e. g, Core Tools). Within the context of my work as a consultant and coach, my team and I support companies, executives and coworkers in timely facing the various requirements of today’s working environment and in living up to them. During that, we draw on our long-term international business experience as well as a on our profound professional education. In our work, we always focus on my guiding principle stating that “Quality is a philosophy and our passion”.

Trainer Fachgebiete und Erfahrung

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