Eine Online-Lernplattform, die von Experten geführte Videokapseln und Zertifikatsprogramme anbietet, um eine Welt des Wissens zu eröffnen.
Ein Treffen von Fachleuten und Experten, die über die neuesten Trends und Themen diskutieren
Eine authentische Quelle der Information und Inspiration
Online-Shop für ISO- und IEC-Normen, Toolkits, eBooks usw.
Due to the dramatic increase of threats worldwide, there is a need for the comp....
When parts of a business process are outsourced, how can you as a customer asse....
Webinar is designed for organizations that plan to implement ISO 27001, and hav....
More and more systems are being developed using an agile approach. Benefits are....
Main points covered: Cumplimiento de la cláusula 7.3 Concienciació....
Main points covered: ISO 20022 and its importance on the financial communicatio....
Main points covered: The process of risk management – from Risk assessmen....
Main points covered: Definition and goals of GRC (Governance, Risk and Complian....
Main points covered: Information Security best practices (ESA, COBIT, ITIL, Res....
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