Eine Online-Lernplattform, die von Experten geführte Videokapseln und Zertifikatsprogramme anbietet, um eine Welt des Wissens zu eröffnen.
Ein Treffen von Fachleuten und Experten, die über die neuesten Trends und Themen diskutieren
Eine authentische Quelle der Information und Inspiration
Online-Shop für ISO- und IEC-Normen, Toolkits, eBooks usw.
This webinar will provide more information on the importance of information sec....
95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error. That’s what Cybint&....
The pandemic has changed the way the world works, shops, and interact; the cons....
After the last 2020 Global Leading voices webinar, comparing ISO27001 with CCPA....
The adoption of laws protecting the data of individuals and consumers is becomi....
Just a few days ago NIST published a complete refresh of the SP800-53, which pr....
Digital transformation means adapting to not only new technologies that are ava....
While Blockchain technology creates strong cryptographic controls securing the ....
This session discusses the top cyber threats for 2020 world-wide, where our pre....
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