For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

PECB - Veranstaltungsdetails - 8192


Event Information

KursISO/IEC 20000 Lead Auditor
WoInstitut za standarde i tehnologije doo Beograd - Belgrade - Live Online/ Self Study
Trainer-NameTrainer not selected yet
Status der VeranstaltungGeplant


This is a SELF-STUDY COURSE where you receive the materials electronically by PECB KATE application. (ENG) ISO/IEC 20000 Lead Auditor training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to perform an IT Service Management System (ITSMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and techniques. During this training course, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to plan and carry out internal and external audits in compliance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021-1 certification process. Based on practical exercises, you will be able to master audit techniques and become competent to manage an audit program, audit team, communication with customers, and conflict resolution. After acquiring the necessary expertise to perform this audit, you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 20000 Lead Auditor” credential. By holding a PECB Lead Auditor Certificate, you will demonstrate that you have the capabilities and competencies to audit organizations based on best practices. @@@@@ (SRB) - Ovaj petodnevni intenzivni kurs omogućava učesnicima da razviju potrebnu stručnost za audit Sistema menadžmenta IT servisima (SMS) i da upravljaju timom auditora primenom opšte priznatih principa audita, procedura i tehnika. Tokom ove obuke, učesnik će steći potrebna znanja i veštine da vešto planira i izvrši interne i eksterne audite u skladu sa ISO 19011 uključujući proces sertifikacije prema ISO 17021. Na osnovu praktičnih vežbi, učesnik će razviti veštine (ovladavanje tehnikama audita) i kompetencije (upravljanje audit timovima i programom audita, u komunikaciji sa klijentima, rešavanjem konflikata itd.) kako treba efikasno da sprovede audit uspostavljenog Sistema menadžmenta IT servisima SMS prema međunarodnom standardu ISO/IEC 20000. Ovaj kurs je deo IST-ove serije PECB akreditovanih ISO trening kurseva u oblasti sistema menadžmenta, koji su idealna prilika da napravite sjajnu kombinaciju vašeg kontinuiranog obrazovanja i da se sertifikujete prema svetskoj šemi personalne sertifikacije ISO 17024, za koju je PECB akreditovan od strane američke akreditacione kuće IAS.


Name der FirmaInstitut za standarde i tehnologije doo Beograd
AdresseLive Online / Self Study
CityBelgrade - Live Online/ Self Study
Provinz | Land | RegionBelgrade
Land der VeranstaltungSerbia
Zip | Postleitzahl11000
Telefon+381 64 11 68915

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