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Ryan Paolo Quiohilag


Aktueller Arbeitgeber: N/A
Stadt: Metro Manila
Provinz / Bundesland / Region: Metro Manila
Land: Philippines

Unterrichtserfahrung (Jahre)


Berufserfahrung (Jahre)



More than 12 years of experience working in various industries focusing on: Data Privacy, Information Security, Audit, Project Management, Training, Human Resources, Technical & Executive Recruitment, Sales, Investment & Insurance Advising, Customer Service and BPO Operations.   1) Certified ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) Lead Implementer - PECB 2) Certified Data Protection Officer - TUV Rheiland 3) Certified Data Protection Auditor - TUV Rheiland 4)  PECB Trained - ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) - On-going certification With demonstrated experience in implementing Privacy governance and programs across different countries. Knowledge of Privacy and Infosec related compliance such as GDPR, HIPAA, PIPL of China, PCI-DSS, PDPL of Singapore, Privacy Act of Australia and DPL of Kenya. Background in Enterprise Risk Management ISO 3100, ISO 9001, and ISO I4001

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