
Trainer avatar

Ana Meskovska


Aktueller Arbeitgeber: Deutsche Bank
Stadt: Frankfurt an Main
Provinz / Bundesland / Region: Hessen
Land: Germany


Internationally Certified Management Consultant (CMC) working in the area of Information Security. Experienced in design and establishment of management systems for managing information security, IT services, quality etc. Significant experience in capacity building, knowledge transfer, training needs assessment and project management. Working experience in the region - Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo.Active contribution to the initiatives for awareness rising for importance of Service management and Information security through participation on relevant conferences and as active member of itSMF Macedonia.Specialties:• Project management• Development and implementation of Information Security, Service and Quality Management Systems compliant with ISO 27001,  ISO 20000 and ISO 9001• Training needs assessment and evaluation • Design, development and delivery of tailor-made training and capacity building programmes • Analyses and comparative studies of laws, standards and methodologies• Defining management processes and strategies for supporting organizational development • Outsoursing management

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