For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Certification Status Options

Active Status

Means that your certification in good standing and valid, and it is being maintained by fulfilling the PECB requirements regarding the CPD and AMF.

Suspended Status

Means that your certification is not in good standing and it is temporarily suspended for not fulfilling the PECB requirements. A suspended certification can either be:

  • Reinstated ꟷ if reasons for suspension are corrected within the given time frame by PECB
  • Revoked ꟷ if reasons for suspension are not corrected within the given time frame by PECB

Suspended members must remediate their suspension within a maximum period of 6 months.

Revoked Status

Means that your certification is not in good standing and is not valid anymore. Individuals whose certification has been revoked will no longer be allowed to present themselves as PECB Certified Professionals.

Individuals whose certification has been revoked may file a complaint or appeal by following the complaint and appeal process ( 

Emeritus Status

Means that your certification is in good standing, but does not need to be maintained by fulfilling CPD nor AMF requirements. 

To qualify and be eligible to apply for the Emeritus status, you must be over 60 years of age, have held a PECB certification for at least five years, and you must no longer practice job functions that are specific to the certification.

Optionally, Emeritus who would like to continue practicing job functions, such as audits and/or implementation projects, must report their CPDs on an annual basis, and fulfill a minimum annual requirement of 20 hours of work experience, implementation/auditing or consulting-related experience, training, private study, coaching, attendance at seminars and conferences, or other relevant activities. AMF is not required.

To apply for this status, please complete the form and send it to

Important note: In order to return to active certification status, you are required to retake the exam and apply for certification.

Check the brochure for more information about the benefits of the Emeritus Certification Status.

Voluntary Withdrawal Status

Means that your certification is in good standing, but you decide you do not want to maintain your certification(s) anymore.. 

To apply for this status, please complete the form and send it to

Individuals whose certification has been voluntarily withdrawn will no longer be allowed to present themselves as PECB Certified Professionals.

Important note: In order to return to active certification status, you are required to retake the exam and apply for certification. 

Permanent Cessation Status

In the event that the certified individual passes away or becomes incapacitated (e.g., because of an accident), the legal representative is responsible for sending the required information to PECB (i.e., death certificate or medical certificate). Consequently, the name of the person will be removed from the contact list and the PECB account will be deleted.