For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

PECB-Détails de l'événement - 72791

Détails de l'évènement

Information sur l'événement

CoursISO/IEC 20000 Lead Auditor
Date de commencement2024-11-11
Date de fin2024-11-15
Langue d'enseignementEnglish
Langue d'enseignementEnglish
ISO in the Sun by SoftQualM - Arrecife, Lanzarote
Nom du formateurMartin Holzke
Statut de l'événementActif et Confirmé

Description de l'évenement

This course is part of SoftQualM's ISO in the Sun series comprising of a continuous schedule of courses on information security, business continuity, service management, risk management etc. held in Lanzarote - the ideal opportunity to combine your continual education with a holiday in the sun. The course is held by Martin Holzke, who has a long track record of implementing, auditing and training information security, business continuity etc. He also is a technical assessor for the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) performing conformity assessments of certification bodies in these areas. The fee per course is €2450 and includes courseware, exam fees and Canarian-style lunches. NB: Under Canarian tax rules, fees are subject to 7% IGIC for clients based in the Canary Islands as well as for students attending in private, i.e. not being delegated and paid for by a company, regardless of their location. We will be more than happy to help source suitable flights and accommodation, whether you come just for the course or want to combine your visit with a break, whether on your own or with family. From own experience living in Lanzarote for many years we can assure you that flights to Lanzarote regularly are no more expensive than national flights yet you gain a unique learning environment. Alternatively, you can join the course live online. Exam now throughout are online via PECB’s platform, either on the last day or thereafter as preferred. NB: We are scheduling more events all the time, so please get in touch if interested in other subjects and dates.

Informations sur la société

Nom de la compagnieISO in the Sun by SoftQualM
AdresseAvda Mancomunidad, 9
CityArrecife, Lanzarote
Province | État | RégionLas Palmas
Pays de l'événementSpain
Zip | code postal35500
courrier élé
site Web