For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Perfil de instructor

Trainer avatar

Massimo Marino

Contact Details

Empleador actual: KAX Consulting Sàrl
Ciudad: Thoiry
Provincia / Estado / Región: Rhone Alps
País: France

Experiencia docente (Años)


Experiencia profesional (Años)


Resumen del perfil

Dr. Massimo Marino is a physicist/computer scientist with over 17 years of experience in scientific research. He worked at CERN, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California (USA), Apple Computer Inc, the World Economic Forum, and a radiopharmaceutical company of the Novartis group. In 2020 Co-Founds KAX Medical, Pharmaceutical, Information Security and Data Protection Consulting Sarl. He has over 20 years of cross-industry experience, and the last seven years in providing Data Privacy, Data Protection, Information Security & Risk Management leadership and guidance to international companies. He has experience in the sectors of Fundamental Research, Pharmaceuticals, EdTech, and Information Technology. Data Privacy and regulatory risks are multi-faceted and therefore best addressed through cross-functional collaboration, MM applies a multidisciplinary approach that is informed by practical experience in data protection, privacy, cybersecurity and compliance. His unique profile enables him to bridge the communication divide between Legal and Technical Teams in the data privacy and information security space, by 'speaking the other's language'.   MM is a also an award-winning Science Fiction Author. Specialties: Unix, Object Oriented programming, Project Management, Evangelization, Technical & Customer Briefings, Scientific Seminars. Partners management and negotiation deals skills. Organization and team building. Intercompany deals and billing. Lateral thinking, Team motivator. IT Specialist. Projects R&D, Strategic initiatives, business improvement. SixSigma Yellow Belt Certification, SCRUM certified project management.  

Especialidades y experiencia del instructor

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