For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Perfil de instructor

Trainer avatar

Genevieve Grabman

Contact Details

Empleador actual: Pan American Health Organization
Ciudad: Washington
Provincia / Estado / Región: N/A
País: United States

Experiencia docente (Años)


Experiencia profesional (Años)


Resumen del perfil

Attorney at law. Over 20 years of progressive experience helping national and international organizations develop legislation, policy, programs, and projects. Emphasis on the integration of gender-sensitive, rights-based policies in programs, policies, and legislation. Institutional development advisor and manager. Track record of improving operational systems, processes, and policies in support of organizations’ missions. Extensive experience in planning, executing, and finalizing projects per strict deadlines and budgets, and in acquiring resources and coordinating efforts of team members to deliver projects. Expertise in policy compliance, risk management, procurement strategy, advocacy, and change management. Extensive nonprofit experience. Lead and develop nonprofits by serving as a long-term board member and legal counsel. Understand the challenges of community organizations and nonprofits in strategy, operations, and leadership. Extensive global experience. Work focused in Europe, North America, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Central Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.  

Especialidades y experiencia del instructor

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