Perfil de instructor
Contact Details
Experiencia docente (Años)
Experiencia profesional (Años)
Resumen del perfil
Senior Consultant in Cybersecurity Advisory and Audit, Management Systems Implementer and Auditor. I'm involved in MS Projects and Audits: Implementation of QMS, ISMS, MSOE, BCMS ...). I am mandated by accreditation organizations to assess the Management Systems of Certification Bodies. I am also invited by national and international firms to animate training sessions in IT systems, networks & cyber-security topics for professionals from public institutions or private companies (financial, Oil & Gas, education, Industry...). Invited speaker in local and international events on topics of Cybersecurity, Risk Management, IS Audit, and IT Governance.
Especialidades y experiencia del instructor
Aquí usted encontrará una descripción detallada de los cursos en los cuales el instructor se especializa y su experiencia relacionada.