For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Perfil de instructor

Trainer avatar

Ion Iordache

Contact Details

Empleador actual: RQM Certification
Ciudad: Resita
Provincia / Estado / Región: Caras-Severin
País: Romania

Experiencia docente (Años)


Experiencia profesional (Años)


Resumen del perfil

I’m a Security Consultant, Certified Data Protection Officer (GDPR), a Professional Trainer in Adult Education, Certified Lead Auditor for Quality Management System (ISO 9001) & Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC 27001) and Certified Lead Implementer for Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC 27001), Supply Chain Security Management Systems (ISO 28000) & Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ISO 37001). Throughout the years I have successfully founded and led many companies and organizations. At the moment I am the Managing Director and Owner at iQuality Services Pty. Ltd. from Melbourne, Australia that offers consulting services and training courses in management systems based on ISO international standards. With over 20 years of experience in the management systems consultancy and training fields, I have proven success in leveraging educational theories and methodologies to design, develop, and deliver successful training programs and integrate instructional technology to provide classroom, onsite and virtual training.

Especialidades y experiencia del instructor

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