For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

PECB - Detalles del evento - 72144

Detalles del evento

Información del evento

CursoCertified CMMC Professional (CCP)
Fecha de inicio2024-10-14
Fecha de finalización2024-10-17
Idioma del cursoEnglish
Idioma de InstrucciónEnglish
DóndeCyber Security Training and Consulting LLC - Jung-gu Seoul
Nombre del instructorJeffrey Crump
Estado del eventoActivo y confirmado

Descripción del evento

This CLASSROOM training event is offered by CMMC Training Academy, a service of Cyber Security Training and Consulting LLC. Cyber Security Training and Consulting LLC is a CMMC Accreditation Body approved Licensed Training Provider. The training is delivered by a Certified CMMC Assessor. For more information and to register for the training, please visit:

Información de la compañía

Nombre de la compañíaCyber Security Training and Consulting LLC
Dirección38 Myeongdong 8na-gil
CityJung-gu Seoul
Provincia | Estado | RegiónCh'ungch'ong-bukto
País del eventoKorea, Republic of
Código postal04535
Correo electró
Sitio webhttps://CMMCTraining.Academy

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