PECB - Detalles del evento - 54713

Detalles del evento

Información del evento

CursoISO 18788 Foundation
Fecha de inicio2025-05-12
Fecha de finalización2025-05-13
Idioma del cursoEnglish
Idioma de InstrucciónEnglish
DóndeSMATICA LLC - Houston - Live Online / E-Learning
Nombre del instructorTrainer not selected yet
Estado del eventoPlanificado

Descripción del evento

For any queries on training and PECB exam enrollment, in live online courses/e-learning/Self Study, please write your queries to Our training advisor will get back to you in 1 business day. If you have multiple candidates to enroll for your corporate training please email at This course, either taken via E-Learning or live online, will also earn you 3 credits towards EMBA PECB University Degree. You can view complete list of PECB Courses SMATICA offers in 100+ Countries in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa & Middle east by accessing the URL Copy and Paste the above URL to Download brochures / Exam preparation guides. We are able to schedule live online training upon request for any PECB course, with a short notice.

Información de la compañía

Nombre de la compañíaSMATICA LLC
Dirección Live Online Every Monday/ E-Learning/ Self Study
CityHouston - Live Online / E-Learning
Provincia | Estado | RegiónTexas
País del eventoUnited States
Código postal0
Teléfono+1 (469) 638-3677
Correo electró
Sitio web

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