For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

PECB Certified Trainers


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dwi siska susanti

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jakarta Raya

City: Jakarta Selatan

Certified For: ISO 37001

Sudiyuwono Sudiyuwono

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jakarta Raya

City: Jakarta Timur

Certified For: ISO 27001

Achmad Efendi

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jakarta Raya

City: Jakarta

Certified For: ISO 45001, ISO 55001 , ISO 31000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 21001

Setiarso Setiarso

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jakarta Raya

City: Jakarta Selatan

Certified For: ISO 37001

Sofyan Hadisaputra

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jakarta Raya

City: Jakarta Barat

Certified For: ISO 37001

Dian ariana Nurdianti

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: Karawang

Certified For: ISO 9001

Naila Failasufa

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: Bekasi

Certified For: ISO 37001

Fauzi Yusuf

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: Depok

Certified For: ISO 21502

Wahyu Riyadi

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: Depok

Certified For: ISO 37001


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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: bandung barat

Certified For: ISO 17025


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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat


Certified For: ISO 37001

Jeane Christina

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Country: Indonesia

Province | State | Region: Jawa Barat

City: Bekasi

Certified For: ISO 9001, ISO 37001