Trainer Profile

Semih Kumluk
Contact Details
Teaching Experience (Years)
Professional Experience (Years)
Profile Summary
Semih Kumluk is a well-versed leader with work experience spanning over 13 years in FMCG, Telecommunications and Consultancy. He has the unique combination of business and data analytics skills; with his experience in different parts of the business he is able to analyze and interpret all kinds of business data effectively. He has delivered many trainings on Artificial Intelligence, FinTech, Data Analytics, Design Thinking, Branding, Project Management and other subjects in his areas of expertise as a trainer and won the Instructor of The Year award by CertNexus in 2021 & 2022 and made to Logical Operations Instructors Wall of Fame in 2021. He became globally the first PECB certified trainer to deliver the CDTO program. His core expertise lie in Business Management, Data Analytics and Strategy. Semih is a strong advocate of emerging technologies, digitalization and startups; remains actively involved in discussions around the early adaptation of these technologies and aspires to inspire others to improve their knowledge, he is delivering Keynote sessions in international conferences like LEAP, GITEX, FinTech Surge, AI Everything, Future Tech Event, GISEC, AI Masters, O’Reilly Strata Data Conference, Telco AI Summit, World Class IT Transformation to increase the awareness of senior executives on these topics. He successfully launched and delivered the 1st ever Artificial Intelligence certification programme across the Middle East and also secured the 1st runner-up position in PwC’s global AI competition and was recognized as Top 50 Thought Leaders in AI and Global AI Ambassador.
Trainer specialities and experience
Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.