Trainer Profile

Trainer avatar

Faizan Ahmed Siddiqui

Contact Details

Current Employer: N/A
City: Karachi
Province / State / Region: Sindh
Country: Pakistan

Teaching Experience (Years)


Professional Experience (Years)


Profile Summary

With initial experience of information technology implementor, I stimulated towards the information security professional with hands on experience over auditing, trainings and implementations of ISO frameworks and legal requirements of multiple jurisdictions related to the business continuity, information security and privacy security. I have been privileged to provide services in most complex and reputed business sectors to help them in achieving compliances against the globally accepted standards, simultaneously gained knowledge about their business processes and practices. Specialties: Auditing management standards, Trainer of management system standards, IS Governance, IS Policies and Procedures, Corporate Risk Management, Business Continuity, Cryptography, IS Frameworks, Quality Management System,

Trainer specialities and experience

Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.