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Trainer Profile

Trainer avatar

Luis Azevedo

Contact Details

Current Employer: Redshift Consulting
City: Parede
Province / State / Region: Lisboa
Country: Portugal

Teaching Experience (Years)


Professional Experience (Years)


Profile Summary

Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance at Redshift Consulting. Founder of CERTIBEST®. President of itSMF Portugal (Portuguese association of IT service managers), responsible for the IT standardisation body of the Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ, national standardization body). ISO 27001, 27018, 27701, 20000-1 and 9001 lead auditor, and IRCA ISO 27001 lead auditor trainer at APCER (Portuguese certification body). ISO 9001 and 27001 lead auditor at TÜV-SÜD. Member of national, european and international standardisation technical committees related to security/information technologies and privacy management. Master's degree in information systems management, specialisation diploma in IT governance, degree in management informatics and several relevant professional certifications.

Trainer specialities and experience

Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.