Trainer Profile

Jessicaa Cole
Contact Details
Teaching Experience (Years)
Professional Experience (Years)
Profile Summary
Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products for a wider range of international standards. Its headquarters are in Montreal, Canada. As a global provider of training, examination, audit and certification services, PECB offers its expertise in multiple fields such as Quality Management System, Health, Safety and Environment, Continuity, Resilience, and Service Management, Security, and Risk Management. Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) helps professionals and organizations to indicate commitment and competence with internally recognized standards by providing this assurance through education, evaluation, and certification against rigorous, internally recognized competence requirements. PECB mission is to provide comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit society as a whole.
Trainer specialities and experience
Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.