Trainer Profile
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Michael Redmond
Contact Details
Profile Summary
Dr. Michael C. Redmond, PMP, CEM, FBCI, MBCP, MBA, PhD, Major (Retired) is CEO and Lead Consultant Redmond Worldwide, She is a Certified Project Manager, Certified Business Recovery Planner; Certified Emergency Manager; and holds two International Master Level Certifications in Business Continuity. She specializes in IT, Cyber/Information Security, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Emergency Management. Dr. Redmond is an International Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant. Dr. Michael C. Redmond has helped organizations create great programs. Her vast background includes consulting as a Sr. Manager for both Deloitte and KPMG for 7 ½ years, and 9 years with Redmond Worldwide She has developed, documented and trained in this area for years. Dr. Redmond is aware of many of the most recent incidents and why some of their plans did not work. Dr. Redmond has a strong Compliance background. PhD, MBA International Business, Also, currently completing MBA’s in Risk Management and MBA Information Security Certified as Senior Lead Implementer/Senior Manager: PhD, MBA International Business, Also, currently completing MBA’s in Risk Management and MBA Information Security My experience includes Managing, Consulting, Implementing, Auditing and Training for: Anti Bribery Management Systems, Asset Management,Business Continuity Management Systems, CCMC, Cloud Management, CMMC - Cybder Maturity Model, Cyber Security Management,DOD Hazmat,Environmental Management ,General Data Protection, Information Security,Information Security Management,Information Security Management in Health Organizations,IT Corporate Governance Management.Management Consultancy Services,Medical Devices Quality Management,Pandemic Planning, Privacy Information Management,Project Mangement, Quality Management, Risk Management, Security and Resiliency Emergency Management,Security Lead Incident Management, Security Techniques, Social Responsibility, GDPR General Data Protection Regulation, , DFARS, NIST, ISO, HIPAA, FFIEC, Third Party Risk, NYS Shield Act, California Privacy Acts, 21 CFR Part 11 and more
Trainer specialities and experience
Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.