Trainer Profile

Mohammad Ismail Shawabkeh
Contact Details
Teaching Experience (Years)
Professional Experience (Years)
Profile Summary
Mohammad boasts a distinguished career, having led the Internal Audit at the Royal Hashemite Court's Royal Communications Directorate in Amman, Jordan. His achievements include the prestigious initiative of establishing Jordan's first Cybersecurity Centers, under Royal endorsement. With over a decade of expertise in training and professional coaching, he excels in engaging his trainees through practical scenarios drawn from extensive experience. Academically, Mohammad is well-versed with an executive education in Leading Digital Transformation and Innovation from INSEAD - Paris, and an executive course from Harvard University on Negotiation. He holds an MBA specializing in Innovation & Technology from Sheffield University and a bachelor's in Computer Engineering from Princess Sumaya University of Technology—Jordan's premier engineering institution. A Jubilee School alumnus under a King Hussein Foundation scholarship, his educational journey is marked by a keen blend of technical acumen and artistic sensibility, enabling him to adeptly navigate and elucidate the technical and managerial domains. Mohammad's dedication extends to standardizing operations, where he excels in the flawless execution of national and international standards such as ISO31000, ISO27001, ISO22301, among others, ensuring best practices in risk management, information security, and business continuity are met with exacting precision.
Trainer specialities and experience
Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.