Trainer Profile

Luca Fiorentini
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Teaching Experience (Years)
Professional Experience (Years)
Profile Summary
Professor Luca Fiorentini, born in 1976, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of industrial, process safety and fire engineering. He is owner and CEO of TECSA S.r.l. ( international consulting company working in the field of loss prevention and industrial safety, fire engineering and environmental protection. TECSA is located in Pero (Italy). He is senior process safety, HSE, fire engineering and reliability consultant. Fiorentini has experience in QRA (Hazop, LOPA, FTA, ETA, Consequence analysis), CFD and FEM methods, RAM analysis and industrial risk assessment for a number of industries: major hazard industries, refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, liquid hydrocarbons and LPG storage farms, oil and gas onshore installations and offshore platforms, steel works plants, food processing facilities, pharmaceutical and fine chemicals production plants, hospitals and health care facilities, ports and piers. He is an expert of fire engineering and fire risk assessment. Fiorentini is a recognized forensic engineer and investigator for fires, explosions and industrial and marine accidents. He is the author of several books, articles and conference papers as well as a reviewer for a number of scientific magazines. He is also a professional member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (UK) and an editorial board member of "Intl. Journal of Forensic Engineering" and "Fire Protection Magazine" (SFPE). Certified Fire & Gas Professional (Exida FGP n. UK 170412009 / 2017). Cerfitied Functional Safety Professional (Exida CFSP n. 101206 009). He is a Tripod Beta method certified assessor (bronze level). He is also founder of MFCforensic ( MFCforensic, named after the founders (Marmo, Fiorentini and Chiaia), proposes itself as an innovative company able to deal directly with the forensic engineering activities, both in the judiciary and in the insurance field. In the judiciary field, MFCforensic technicians assume both the role of technical consultants as well as that of CTU, all on behalf of the investigating magistracy and on behalf of the judiciary, especially in cases of high complexity, where the management skills of the a forensic engineer's own procedure it is necessary to put in place methodologies for in-depth analysis and development of specialist expertise, including advanced simulation. MFCforensic consolidates in an innovative structure the forensic, consulting and academic experiences of the founders, who in the years have directly followed, as technical consultants, also episodes of national importance (Thyssenkrup, Norman Atlantic, Molino Cordero, Umbria Olii, etc. ).He is author of several books and papers related to forensic engineering, in particular, together with Prof. Luca Marmo he is author of the international book “Principles of forensic engineering applied to industrial accidents”, Wiley (UK), ISBN: 978-1118962800. He is expert in applying several root cause investigation methods, among them: Tripod, ABS Consulting RCA, Barrier Failure Analysis, STEP. He is proficient in the use of Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) methods (e.g. Spar-H, THERP, HEARTH, HCR/ORE, SEP). He is proficient in the use of virtual reality tools (e.g. XVRSimulation OnScene) and 3D technologies to describe real accidents scenarios. He is peer-reviewer of the following upcoming books prepared by the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers: new edition of “Guidelines for investigating chemical process incidents” and first edition of “Process safety in the oil & gas upstream operations, onshore and offshore”. Since 2018 he is vice president of the Italian chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE-Italy). He is internationally certified Senior Lead Risk Manager according to ISO31000 international standard by PECB. For the National Fire Protection Association NFPA (USA) he is voting and principal member as special expert in the following technical commissions: Industrial and Storage Occupancies (BLD-IND & SAF-IND Commissions - Standard NFPA 5000); Fire Reporting (FIP-AAA Commission - Standard NFPA 901), Fire Risk Assessment Methods (FIR-AAA Commission - Standards NFPA 550 and NFPA 551). Since december 2019 he is also Principal Engineer of Exida L.L.C. company ( Exida, founded in 1999 by several of the world's top reliability and safety experts, exida is the world’s leading product certification and knowledge company specializing in automation system safety, alarm management, cybersecurity, and availability.
Trainer specialities and experience
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