For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Profil du formateur

Trainer avatar

Komlan Djifa Tchala


Employeur actuel: N/A
Ville: Lome
Province / État / Région: Maritime
Pays: Togo

Expérience de formation (Années)


Expérience professionnelle (Années)


resumé du profil

Komlan Tchala is a professional trainer and cybersecurity expert who is dedicated to using digital technologies to solve modern global problems. He holds a master's degree in systems engineering, as well as numerous cybersecurity certifications, making him a highly skilled professional in his field. Komlan has a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge, and he takes great pleasure in helping individuals and organizations learn how to safeguard their digital assets.