For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Profil du formateur

Trainer avatar

Caroline Eze


Employeur actuel: eStream Networks
Ville: Lagos
Province / État / Région: Lagos
Pays: Nigeria

Expérience de formation (Années)


Expérience professionnelle (Années)


resumé du profil

Mark-Eleme Caroline Oluchi is presently the Quality Assurance Manager of eStream Networks Limited, Victoria Island, Lagos having  over 7 years experience in Quality Management System.  She is graduate of Ebonyi State University where she obtained her first degree in Economics Education and also holds a master’s degree in Educational management from University of Lagos. Akoka. Caroline is a PECB  ISO 9001: 2015 Lead Auditor. She is also certified to the following PECB courses; ISO 9001: 2015 Implementer, ISO 17025 Provisional implementer, ISO 13053 Provisional Implementer, ISO/TS 29001 Provisional implementer, ISO 14001 implementer, ISO 21500 Lead project manager and ISO 30301 Lead Auditor.  She is a certified manager by Nigerian Institute of Management.  Furthermore, Caroline has a great passion for human capital development and delivery of quality Service that meets customers’ requirements  at all times.    She has a very good interpersonal relationship and communication skills, very proactive smart, highly adaptable and organised. She has the ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision and very focused.

Spécialistés du formateur et expérience

Voici un détail des cours spécialisés suivis par notre formateur, sa formation et son expérience professionnelle dans les cours respectifs.