For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

Profil du formateur

Trainer avatar

Marise Johncilla


Employeur actuel: Consultant
Ville: Santa Cruz
Province / État / Région: N/A
Pays: Trinidad and Tobago

Expérience de formation (Années)


Expérience professionnelle (Années)


resumé du profil

Marise Kelly Johncilla is an occupational safety and health management professional with over 17 years’ proven experience. Marise specialises in business continuity management, HSE and Business Continuity auditing, subcontractor HSE management, HSE leadership development and performance management. She is a Certified ISO45001:2018 (Occupational Safety and Health Management System) Lead Auditor and Trainer, Certified ISO22301 (Business Continuity Management System) Lead Implementer and Trainer as well as Certified ISO9001:2015 Internal Quality Auditor. Marise also holds an external Change Management Practitioner certification.

Spécialistés du formateur et expérience

Voici un détail des cours spécialisés suivis par notre formateur, sa formation et son expérience professionnelle dans les cours respectifs.