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강사 프로필

Trainer avatar

Andrew Samuels


현재 소속: WislPort
도시: London
주 / 도 / 지방: Greater London
국가: United Kingdom

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

I'm widely recognised as an expert in governance, risk, and compliance, (GRC) having consulted globally to multinationals, SME's, not for profits, and government. Over the last 7 years I have been actively involved in the creation of International Standards within ISO/TC309 which covers: ISO 37000:2021 Governance of organisations ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems ISO 37002:2021 Whistleblowing management systems ISO 37301:2021 Compliance management systems Working with over 200 experts from 56 Countries and 26 liaison bodies to create these standards, my training covers extensive real world experience combined with a genuine understanding of the best approaches to take to ensure the intent, purpose, and benefits of these vital standards are recognised by particiants.

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