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강사 프로필

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Jean-Jaques Kohler


현재 소속: N/A
도시: Geneva
주 / 도 / 지방: Geneva
국가: Switzerland

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

Jean-Jaques Kohler has more than 18 years of experience in risk management, mainly acquired in complex environments with international exposure. He specializes in the governance of non-financial risks and the organizational resilience of critical infrastructures. Passionate about risk management, he co-founds the OPRISKO association (Operational Risk Observatory). He actively contributes to the development of risk management in collaboration with professionals and academics. Jean-Jaques participates as an expert in continuing education programs. He is also pursuing doctoral research in risk management at the University of Geneva, focusing on critical infrastructure resilience, including cyber-security, outsourcing, and sustainable development.

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