강사 프로필

Trainer avatar

Luis Azevedo


현재 소속: Redshift Consulting
도시: Parede
주 / 도 / 지방: Lisboa
국가: Portugal

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance at Redshift Consulting. Founder of CERTIBEST®. President of itSMF Portugal (Portuguese association of IT service managers), responsible for the IT standardisation body of the Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ, national standardization body). ISO 27001, 27018, 27701, 20000-1 and 9001 lead auditor, and IRCA ISO 27001 lead auditor trainer at APCER (Portuguese certification body). ISO 9001 and 27001 lead auditor at TÜV-SÜD. Member of national, european and international standardisation technical committees related to security/information technologies and privacy management. Master's degree in information systems management, specialisation diploma in IT governance, degree in management informatics and several relevant professional certifications.

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