강사 프로필

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Calin Nicolae Dragulanescu


현재 소속: N/A
도시: Bucuresti
주 / 도 / 지방: Bucuresti
국가: Romania

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프로필 요약

If you wondered why we need systems of management, there is a very simple answer: We need management systems in our businesses to preserve the recipe for success and to prevent and avoid repeating mistakes and faults. There is where the standardization appears as a need for structuring such systems by using the others lesson learned experiences contained within the standard requirements. Ether the system is a simple one or integrated one, about quality management in general, medical device quality management (ISO 13485 & CE marking), safety (OHSAS or newly ISO 45001) as a cultural change, environmental or FSC® CoC (wood chain of custody), Anti-bribery (ISO 37001) or Environmental (ISO 14001) the implementation can be tricky and challenging for each company, no meter small or big. The training in first place, consultancy and audits are the main tools to be putted in place to achieve the goal that lead us on these road in the first place.

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