강사 프로필

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Polite Nhokovedzo


현재 소속: Bindura University of Science Education
도시: Harare
주 / 도 / 지방: Harare
국가: Zimbabwe

강사 경력 (년)


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프로필 요약

Polite Nhokovedzo is a Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Risk Management Practioner. He is a renowned consultant, who has a consultancy footprint locally and internationally. Polite brings broad-based and valuable insights into health and safety through strategy formulation gained from more than 8 years of extensive work experience advising clients and providing solutions for risk management, system development and implementation, training and loss control. With wide experience in manufacturing, banking sector and mining and assisted several organizations in certification.He has a solid background in safety, health and risk management with a Master's degree in Safety Health and Environmental Management. He also holds a Master's degree in MCom in Environmental and Development Economics and is a PhD student. 

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