강사 프로필

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Jeferson DAddario


현재 소속: IDESP - DARYUS Institute Sao Paulo
도시: São Paulo
주 / 도 / 지방: Sao Paulo
국가: Brazil

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

About Entrepreneur since the 19 years old, I learned, won, broke! I resumed, I gained, I learned more and more and continue. Today I have five companies, success, victory, eventual losses that serve to learn more, and still looking for more innovation, business and help other professionals and companies in the Brazilian and world market. Father, husband, family! I love technology, cars, whisky, football (palmeiras team), traveling and meeting places, cultures and people, eat well, live well, compete / win train people, goals. I don't like boring, sameness, lack of control and goals, people lying, corruption, shady business, people who do not take their mistakes. I'm CEO of the DARYUS group with focus on Consulting & Advisory (Risk, Information Security / Cyber ​​Security, Business and IT Continuity), Education (basic management and IT to advanced - Post and MBAs the same themes) Software (Security and Continuity Management) and Technology (Outsourcing, BPO, and Cyber ​​Security). Experienced Security Professional and Certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Experienced Business Continuity Professional and Certified DRII as CBCP, and the BCI as MBCI Risk Management Professional Experienced and Certified by ISACA as CRISC In my professional journey (over 20 years) and staff, created lasting relationships, professional circles of trust, students, fans and friends, rather than created problems and enmities. 

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