강사 프로필
Johan Opperman
강사 경력 (년)
전문 경력 (년)
프로필 요약
Johan Opperman is a Risk, Governance and Management Consultant with more than 30 years’ experience in various senior roles optimising the correlation between strategy, governance, risk and performance – with emphasis on value add and opportunity optimisation to meet competitive objectives. He holds amongst others a Master of Business Leadership Degree, is - an IODSA Certified Director (Corporate Governance); - PECB Certified Trainer - PECB Certified ISO 31000 Senior Lead Risk Manager (Risk); - PECB Certified ISO 27001 Lead Implementer and Auditor (Information Security); - PECB Certified ISO 38500 Lead Manager (IT Corporate Governance); - PECB Certified Lead ISO 22301 Implementer (BCM); - PECB Certified ISO 37301 Lead Implementer and Lead Auditor (Compliance Management Systems); - ISO 27005 Lead Risk Manager; ISO 42001 Lead Implementer and Auditor (Artificial Inteligence). He coordinated technological security matters in the South African state environment, presented to the provincial cabinets and administrations, chaired the global Billiton Information Security Forum and was part of the leadership team when the Absa Group obtained the first Basel II Operational Risk Advanced Measurement Approach status in Africa. He was responsible for the Absa Group / Barclays Africa Group operational risk oversight, its mergers and acquisition risk matters, the owner of the new product and service approval and product review processes. As CEO of Ristco (Pty) Ltd he was responsible for the design and implementation of governance frameworks, as well as enterprise risk (inclusive of IT / Information Security / Compliance) and (IT) governance management frameworks. Johan places a lot of emphasis on opportunity taking associated with risk management and strategy in support of well a considered organisational purpose and objectives. Effective change management and transformation therefore have been a constant in his career with experience in the state, mining, manufacturing, telecommunications, financial services and energy sectors. Johan contributes to international standards development. He is the National Chairperson of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) mirror committees on Risk standards (TC 262). He was the driver for a new Africa Regional Standards Organisation (ARSO) technical committee and is the first Chairperson as well. Risk He is a member of the ISO governance of organisdations (TC 309) technical committee and part of the global team that has developed ISO 37000 (Governance of organisations). He is furthermore the risk TC liaison for the Information Security and IT Corporate Governance (TC 1 SC27 and SC 40) technical commttees as well as TC 176 addressing Quality standards. In addition, Johan was the National Secretary for the ISO 37301 Compliance Workgroup. He formally takes part in the international consultations for risk, governance and compliance standards. He provided risk, governance and IT governance training to Boards of Directors and Executive management as well as open and certification courses in a number of countries. He is a proponent of integrated thinking and context consideration. He is therefore well positioned to augment theory with practical examples.
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