강사 프로필

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Elaine van der Linde


현재 소속: Prescali Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd
도시: Pretoria
주 / 도 / 지방: Gauteng
국가: South Africa

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

I have been involved in a range of environmental related studies for the past 20 years with specialisation in environmental project management and environmental auditing. I have obtained relevant experience in environmental management and also have extensive experience in surface and groundwater quality, especially water quality management, water quality monitoring and water quality assessment as obtained at the then South Africa Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. I was also responsible for the groundwater section of the implementation of the DANIDA Project related to Integrated Water Resource Management within various parts of the country. Since 2004 I have been in private consulting where my main fields of professional activity are in environmental management related projects and auditing (ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14001:2015).  These types of projects include water management plans, water use license applications, due diligence assessments, closure and rehabilitation plans, basic assessments, environmental impact assessments, environmental management plans, performance assessment, financial provisioning and environmental auditing.  I have managed large multi-disciplinary teams and delivered the required documentation to national standards.  I also have extensive knowledge of legal terminology, legal documents, legal processes and legal strategy relating to the various types of environmental applications that are made to the various South African Government Departments. Having completed and obtained the required SETA courses (US 115753 & US117871) in order to be able to conduct and assess training, assistance has been provided to a number of third party companies in providing training related to ISO14001:2004 and ISO14001:2015 as well as training with regards to Introduction to Environmental Management as well as more specific detailed environmental management training. I am self-disciplined and have a desire to make a difference, be it working in a team or as an individual. I thrive on hard work being my motivator to meet my own high standards. I believe that confidence can be acquired through skill, experience and positive affirmation. I believe my integrity helps to build trust, allows me to influence others, sets and to maintain high standards and also builds my reputation as one who can be relied on.  I believe that to make true progress towards a more sustainable future, society needs to be as open, honest and transparent as possible.

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