이벤트 상세 - 73127

이벤트 상세

이벤트 정보

강좌ISO/IEC 38500 IT Corporate Governance Manager
강의 언어English
강의 언어English
위치Cyberstrat ITC - Saudia Live/Online
강사명Eliza Popa
이벤트 상태활성화 및 확정됨

이벤트 설명

Available options: self-study, live virtual, or in-person training packages. All packages include an exam voucher with one free retake and PECB official certification. The exam can be taken online from home on a date of your choice. For live virtual and in-person training, please note the following: the course will be delivered according to the time zone of the training location, and the price will vary based on the location and the number of participants during that period. While we do not exclude participants from other geographical regions, those who do not accept these conditions effectively exclude themselves.

회사 정보

회사명Cyberstrat ITC
주소Saudi Arabia
CitySaudia Live/Online
도 | 주 | 지방Ar Riyad
이벤트 국가Saudi Arabia

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