For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

이벤트 상세 - 63687

이벤트 상세

이벤트 정보

강좌ISO 37301 Lead Auditor
강의 언어English
강의 언어English
위치FCMS Consulting - Live Online Interactive
강사명James Ampah-Korsah
이벤트 상태계획중

이벤트 설명

This online interactive training course is delivered via zoom with a live trainer, and in a classroom environment. Training course materials would be available for download via the KATE App. After completing the training course, you can enter the exam from anywhere in the world through the PECB Exams app. Finally, those who successfully pass the exam will be invited by PECB to apply for certification. For information regarding any PECB training course, please send your enquiries by Email to:

회사 정보

회사명FCMS Consulting
주소GN1315-1811 Appolonia St, Afienya, Tema
CityLive Online Interactive
도 | 주 | 지방Greater Accra Region
이벤트 국가Ghana

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