For those planning training sessions or candidates intending to take an online exam during this period, we will be offering online exam sessions on December 27 and 29, as well as January 5, 2024. You can check the link to online exam events here.

강사 프로필

Trainer avatar

BIGANGO Valentin


현재 소속: N/A
도시: Kigali
주 / 도 / 지방: Kigali-ville
국가: Rwanda

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

Meticulous and performance-driven COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST offering more than 10 years of solid background in standardization, regulation & compliance industry, with top-notch abilities and proven hands-on experience in Quality Assurance, Quality Management Systems, Information Security Management, Project management, Project Plan development, Risk management, Process improvement, Business analysis/evaluation and Policy development & deployment. PECB Certified Lead Implementer & Lead Auditor 

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