PECB 서비스는 2024년 12월 25일부터 2025년 1월 13일까지 연말연시 휴무로 인해 일시 중단됩니다. 이 기간 동안 긴급한 문의 사항이 있으신 경우, customer@pecb.com으로 문의 부탁드립니다.

강사 프로필

Trainer avatar

Faizan Ahmed Siddiqui


현재 소속: N/A
도시: Karachi
주 / 도 / 지방: Sindh
국가: Pakistan

강사 경력 (년)


전문 경력 (년)


프로필 요약

With initial experience of information technology implementor, I stimulated towards the information security professional with hands on experience over auditing, trainings and implementations of ISO frameworks and legal requirements of multiple jurisdictions related to the business continuity, information security and privacy security. I have been privileged to provide services in most complex and reputed business sectors to help them in achieving compliances against the globally accepted standards, simultaneously gained knowledge about their business processes and practices. Specialties: Auditing management standards, Trainer of management system standards, IS Governance, IS Policies and Procedures, Corporate Risk Management, Business Continuity, Cryptography, IS Frameworks, Quality Management System,

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